Mūsų įžvalgos


Tik 15% derybininkų sugeba iš anksto nuspėti tai, ko siekia kita pusė


Tik 27% derybininkų paruošia savo pasiūlymus iš anksto ir juos pateikia susitikimo metu


Net 56% derybininkų kitai pusei teikiamas nuolaidas vertina tik per savo kaštų prizmę


Tik 15% derybininkų sugeba iš anksto nuspėti tai, ko siekia kita pusė


Tik 27% derybininkų paruošia savo pasiūlymus iš anksto ir juos pateikia susitikimo metu


Net 56% derybininkų kitai pusei teikiamas nuolaidas vertina tik per savo kaštų prizmę



Įspūdingas rezultatyvumas


98% pagerino savo derybas


66% labiau kontroliuoja derybų eigą       


70% labiau pasitiki      


98% vadovų liko patenkinti investicija į mokymus       



Tarptautinio Gebėjimų klausimyno išvados


Tik 18% derybininkų, eidami į derybas, turi paruošę atsarginį planą tam atvejui, jei susitarti nepavyktų


Tik 18% derybininkų mano, kad jų ir kitos pusės santykiai po derybų sutvirtėjo




Derybų pagrindų seminaras - tai pirmasis žingsnis jūsų, kaip derybininko, tobulėjimo kelyje


Savo derybinius įgūdžius tobulinti pradėkite čia

Virtual Advancing Negotiation Skills

Start your virtual skills journey here

Negotiating Essentials

Introduction to the process of negotiation


Ugdykite patys savo derybininkų gebėjimus

Masters Brochure

Tackle complex, multi-party negotiations

Negotiation Skills Capability Survey Brochure

Have you ever asked yourself how well your team or your organisation negotiates? The NSCS will benchmark your people against our assessment of best practice worldwide and give you a report to help you to understand strengths and development needs

Capability Survey Findings Report

During 2015, Scotwork developed a Negotiating Skills Capability Survey to tackle the question: “How well do my people negotiate?” We are now in a position to be able to say that we have one of the most comprehensive sets of researched data about negotiators and their own views of their capabilities, shortcomings and understanding of the negotiating process


Leiskite savo derybininkams patiems save tobulinti

Powerful Results

Key findings from Scotwork course participants, covering improved performance, financial return and personal benefits

Elektroninės Knygos

Negotiating Skills Capability Survey - Then and Now

In 2016 we introduced our Negotiating Skills Capability Survey. It was designed to measure how well teams negotiate and to benchmark participants against what we consider global best practice. Eight years on, we have revisited the early data to see what, if anything, has changed in that time.

Global Negotiation Skills Capability Report

This report provides the world’s most comprehensive insight into the skills developed and tactics employed in business communities around the world to trade and bargain for benefit. Respondents vary from the C-Suite to sales directors, heads of procurement and category buyers. They all negotiate regularly for their companies but are not professional negotiators.

Keep Sharp - Negotiation Skill Tips

Our negotiation skill tips are a distillation of, often, complex analysis into simple, practical, usable language and techniques designed to be relevant in the real world. This eBook is collection of top 10 skill tips for successful negotiation.

The Dirty Tricks of Negotiation and How to Spot Them

Negotiation can be hazardous. There are dozens of underhand tactics out there designed to wrest control and push you from the negotiating table empty-handed. Hard to detect, these dirty tricks can be ruthlessly effective. They can catch you off-guard and force you to concede again and again. Identifying and side-stepping these threats will help you keep control and secure a better deal.

The Dirty Tricks of Negotiation and How to Spot Them 2

Every day Scotwork experts observe negotiation in action all over the world. Over 100,000 hours of deal-making analysis has exposed a minefield of sneaky tactics, ranging from the slightly questionable to the downright dirty. Dirty Tricks Volume 2 builds upon the popularity of Dirty Tricks Volume 1 and brings together 10 more of the most notorious negotiation tricks.


Dealing With Difficult People

Alan Smith

Negotiation Is A Trading Process

Robin Copland

Hope Is Not A Strategy

John McMillan

Video medžiaga

Scotwork Negotiating Essentials - Detailed Clip



The Benefits of Scotwork Negotiation Skills Training

Nick Ford - Director, Global Client Operations at WPP

Scotwork Essentials - Short Clip